For the Love of Dance
For the Love of Dance will do our part to take additional measures to keep our students and teachers safe during these unprecedented times. Here are our protocols.
Smaller class sizes. Each Dancer will be placed in a square 6ft away of each other in the center of the studio and be placed 6 ft apart on the barre.
If your Dancer is not feeling well or has allergies please stay home and join class on Zoom. This includes but not limited to 1. Fever of 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. 2. Coughing 3. Shortness of breath. 4. Sore throat. 5. Loss of taste or smell. 6. Known close contact with a person who is lab-confirmed to have Covid-19. (Yes we will also have each class logging into Zoom from the studio for Dancers who feel they ready are not ready to come back into the studio). Please bring the minimal to class and be completely dressed with dance shoes on.
Upon arrival, every Teacher and Dancer will have their temperature taken with a no touch thermometer and it will be logged into our roll book. Please wait with your Dancer until the temperature has been taken before leaving. Dancers with a temperature of 100.0 degrees or above will be sent home. Cloth face masks will be required unlesss there is a medical Doctors note setting forth that a child is unable to wear a mask for medical reasons . Each Dancer will receive hand sanitizer and will enter the studio, find their square and their spot to place their dance bag and water bottle. Water Fountains are closed.
Drop off/pick up only. Unfortunately our waiting room will be closed. As much as we love having parents with us, at this time it would be safest to wait elsewhere. We will provide you with a link to log into the class through Zoom to watch from your car or at home. We will have two teachers in the studio at all times.
Frequent sanitizing of ballet barres and surfaces. Disinfection of ballet barres will be required after every use. Door knobs and frequently touched surfaces as well as workout equipment will be cleaned after every class. We also have a UV Room Sterilizer Unit that runs everyday after classes. I have changed the air conditioner filters to HEPA filters.
Keeping Dancers and Staff at a safe distance during class. Teachers will be asked to use verbal corrections as often as possible to maintain our social distancing.
Restroom. Please have your child use the restroom before class. I would like to use the restroom for emergencies only.